Oxhill News

www.oxhill.com / www.oxhill.org.uk

South Warwickshire, England.

The Oxhill News

June 2011

This months News



Vicarage Notes

Dear friends,

Don’t forget that on June 12th we celebrate Whitsunday, one of the few “Days of Obligation” in the C. of E., so there will be a Communion instead of Evensong.

Thomas Aquinas, in writing about God the Spirit as “Love” and Jesus as the “Word” used the phrase “love can be used either as an essential name of the divine nature or as the personal name of a divine person”

Few might delve into the philosophies of great names from the past, and indeed, even unscrambling a single sentence can be difficult.  However, we are reminded as we celebrate Whitsunday (Pentecost) and the coming of the Spirit to those early disciples, that faith is rooted in experience.  Those disciples felt a deep sense of the love of God in their lives, and this reinforced the teaching and fellowship of Jesus the Word.

The church has the guidelines of the historic creeds, but the reality of faith is an inward confidence that God is with us in the ordinary stuff of broken humanity and that we can be transformed.

God bless,

Nicholas Morgan    01608 685230

P.S. We look forward to another great “Scarecrow Weekend”

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Last modified: May 31, 2011