Oxhill News

www.oxhill.com / www.oxhill.org.uk

South Warwickshire, England.

The Oxhill News

August 2016

This months News



Minutes of a Meeting of Oxhill Parish Council

Tuesday 12th July at 8.00pm in the Village Hall

The meeting, chaired by Grenville Moore and was attended by Councillors Stuart Whittaker and Duncan Harper and Derek Harbour, apologies were received from Sue Hunt. Two members of the public attended.

Minutes – Minutes of the previous meeting were read, agreed and signed.

Matters arising

Co-option of New Councillors – Duncan Harper and Derek Harbour were co-opted onto the Parish Council. Derek Harbour was elected as Vice Chairman.

White Lines on the Green Lane- These have been reinstated.

Foot path on Main Street – This work has still not been completed, the highways department has been contacted again, but with no further news, both the Chairman and the Clerk will persevere to obtain a date for the works.

Planning – Solar panels and a change of use from agricultural land to garden space has been passed at Welwyn, Whatcote Road, along with arboricultural work at The Old House, Back Lane and an extension to the equestrian shop at Vale of Red Horse.


The sum of £960.00 was paid for the clerks salary for the year 2015/ 16. A cheque was received for £250.00 for the sale of Flag stones that had previously been recovered when the path was replaced opposite the Peacock Inn.

Correspondence - A House of Commons Briefing Paper was received regarding Fly tipping- the illegal dumping of waste, this will be distributed to all Councillors.

The S106 will be replaced in the autumn by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which will be available for public examination in September and accepted in October. Stratford District Council will be contacted with regard to the Leys Field S106 money in light of the sale of the Leys Field.

Any other Business – Benches- The area adjacent to the trough opposite the Peacock Inn will be measured to establish whether one or two benches will be appropriate there and to produce a scale plan for Stratford District Council as requested. The cost and type of bench will be identified.

Drone – It was raised by a member of the public and a complaint received that a drone has been seen flying over gardens in the village, there are concerns that this contravenes the law which states that drones should not be flown within 50m of a person, also that using a drone to record images of other people without their consent, could be construed as a breach of the Data Protection Act, or of the CCTV code of practice. A letter will be sent to the owner of the drone.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.41 pm.

 Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 13th September 2016 at 8:00pm in the Village Hall.

Lis Stuart
Parish Clerk

This site is maintained by villagers of Oxhill for the benefit of the community and those interested in the history, news and activities that make the village such a pleasant place to live.

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Last modified: August 06, 2016