Oxhill News

www.oxhill.com / www.oxhill.org.uk

South Warwickshire, England.

The Oxhill News

February 2005


This months News
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005


Starts with Feb
March Issue
Cover Picture
Xmas Puddings
Oil Cooperative
Service Times
Thank You
Festival Choir
Church Flowers
Nature Notes
Tsunami Appeal
Parish Council
PCC Meeting
WI Report
Village Hall
Victor Bench
Garden Club
Revd D Jephson
Well Done
25 Years Ago
Car for Sale
Is it or Isn't It?
Charity Begins ...

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Revd. Douglas Jephson

Long-term residents of Oxhill will remember Revd. Douglas Jephson, who was the Rector here from 1971 until he retired in 1982.  After retirement he and Betty, his wife, settled in Yorkshire, where he did supply work.

We have learned that he died just before Christmas.

Doug and Betty were very popular in the village, and we send our sympathy and thoughts to Betty and her family.


This site is maintained by villagers of Oxhill for the benefit of the community and those interested in the history, news and activities that make the village such a pleasant place to live.

Send mail to the editor of the Oxhill News at news-editor @ oxhill.org.uk.

©2005 Oxhill Village (Terms and Conditions of use)

Last modified: January 30, 2005