Oxhill News

www.oxhill.com / www.oxhill.org.uk

South Warwickshire, England.

The Oxhill News

June 2008

This months News



Changes to Pension Credits

The Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB) are pointing out that official estimates now show that up to four in ten pensioners who are entitled to Pension Credit to top-up their retirement incomes don’t claim what they’re due and as a result, an estimated £2.5 billion went unclaimed in the 2005/06 year (the latest year where figures are available).

The good news is that once eligible pensioners put in their claim they are entitled to get a whole year’s worth of backdated payments as a reward.  However there is a provision for the backdating of Pension Credit claims to be changed from October this year.  These changes will mean that from October the amount of Pension Credit that will be backdated will reduce to just three months rather than twelve, so the CAB is urging pensioners to claim now while there are still substantial lump sum payments available to them.

I urge all Pensioners with low incomes to contact the CAB without delay and ensure that they receive all to which they are entitled.

I have received the advice printed above.  I regret I have mislaid the source and hence cannot provide the correct by-line.  Sorry.  Editor

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Last modified: May 29, 2008