Oxhill News

www.oxhill.com / www.oxhill.org.uk

South Warwickshire, England.

The Oxhill News

August 2011

This months News



Tools with a Mission(TWAM) Update

I wish to thank all of those who have kindly donated tools to TWAM. We are about to send off to the Coventry branch 12 sewing and 4 knitting machines plus many power tools and boxes of spanners, chisels, hammers etc.

As a reminder these tools are refurbished and then put into trade packs, e.g. carpenter and shipped to third world countries, to enable individuals to establish themselves with a trade and a living. Visit www.twam.co.uk for more details.

It is not too late to donate!

Please contact

Jim Saxton - 01295 680613

This site is maintained by villagers of Oxhill for the benefit of the community and those interested in the history, news and activities that make the village such a pleasant place to live.

Send mail to the editor of the Oxhill News at news-editor @ oxhill.org.uk.

©2011 Oxhill Village (Terms and Conditions of use)

Last modified: August 16, 2011